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Why Does Fever go Up at Night

Why Does Fever go Up at Night

When you're sick, have you ever wondered what causes you to experience a ten-fold increase in symptoms at the night? It's not too bad in the daytime with headaches, congestion, and fever, but at night, your symptoms can turn into the stuff of nightmares. In the following article, ArkLinen Store will help you discover the reason your fever rises during the night.

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Fever is a short-term increase in the body's temperature. It's an aspect of a larger reaction from the immune system of the body. A fever is typically a result of an infection. For the majority of adults and children, it is possible to feel uncomfortable. However, it's not usually an indication of concern. In the case of infants, the presence of a fever can indicate that there's an infection that's serious.

The normal temperature for a person's body is 98.6°F(or 37°C). If your child's or your own temperature is a couple of degrees higher than normal, it's an indication that your body is healthy and fighting off infections. In the majority of cases, it is a good thing. Most cases of fever go away after several days. There are many over-the-counter medicines that can lower the temperature. However, you don't have to take medication to treat a fever, even if it's creating discomfort.


Why is it That Fever Increases During the Night?

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The normal core body temperature is usually low in the morning but increases to a couple of degrees in the evening. Therefore, a fever that was mild during the day may rise by night. Cortisol is released in response to infections, which is believed to act as an effective defense mechanism against excessive activation of the inflammatory system within the body. In the evening the protective mechanism can be ignored due to low levels of cortisol, and fever rises because of stimulation of the inflammatory system.


The Accountability of Hormones

Our bodies are operating on a 24-hour clock, known as the circadian rhythm. Hormone levels fluctuate, growing and decreasing throughout the daily cycle. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that helps control the levels of blood sugar metabolism and blood pressure. It also assists the body deal with stress.

Cortisol also helps your immune system to function effectively and decreases inflammation. Also, it aids in fighting off infections and illnesses. Cortisol levels increase through your blood during your daytime and weaken the immune system. The result is that the white blood cells in your body, the ones responsible for fighting infections are less active during the day.

At night, you will notice lesser cortisol levels in the blood. This means that your white blood cells are able to detect and fight off infections within your body at this point which causes the signs of the illness to appear like the symptoms of congestion, fever, chills, or sweating. This is why you are more ill at night.


Body Position

Your body's position at night may influence how the feeling you have when you're sick. Gravity has the ability to affect different organs or processes within the body during times when you lie down on your back, sit or move between sides while lying in bed.

For instance, you could be more uncomfortable when lying down to sleep, as mucus buildup due to colds or flu may result in pressure or congestion in your sinuses, which can cause headaches or sinus discomfort. If you're a side sleeper, it is possible that you feel most of the discomfort or pressure on the part of your forehead.

Your body's posture can cause pressure on certain regions of your body which might be affected by your condition. For instance, suppose you're experiencing an injury on your hip to the left. If you're habitually lying on the left, added pressure and compression of that hip that is caused by the bed could cause it to become worse, even if you've moved the position.


Fewer Distractions

During the day, a variety of things can be distracting you including work, family, and entertainment. This can help you focus your attention on the symptoms you experience when you're sick and help them to feel less severe.

If you're awake and alert, you're usually more inclined to move to treat and control the symptoms. This could involve blowing your nose or taking medications using cold compresses, applying heating pads, and so on.

When you're trying to get to sleep you might experience some discomfort, pain, or other symptoms more often than you usually do. When your symptoms force you to get up and get up to take action The combination of disrupted sleep and symptoms may cause you to feel particularly miserable.

It is also possible that you feel more stressed at night because less of your thoughts are occupied. Stress can cause your symptoms to appear more intense and cause an additional strain on your body. This could also make your hormones out of balance.


How Can You Reduce the Negative Effects of Fever During the Night

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It's possible that you won't be in a position to make your symptoms disappear until you've recovered from your fever, but there's a lot that you could do in order to decrease the severity of your symptoms.


Drink plenty of water

Drinking enough water throughout the day keeps you hydrated, and improves your overall health and your immune system's function. Drinking water can help ensure you replenish electrolytes and fluids in your body that you lose when you sweat when you are suffering from the course of a fever.

The amounts of liquid you should drink to drink in order to stay hydrated are different for each individual. However, try drinking the minimum amount of 64 ounces of fluid throughout every whole day (about eight 8oz of glasses). Drink more in the event that you're drinking caffeine or alcohol, reside in a dry or hot environment, or exercise even if you're sick.


Sleep more during the day.

Be sure to get enough rest to strengthen your immune system as it fights off infection. Cortisol levels decrease while you're asleep, so sleep helps to maintain a healthy, active immune system, which is crucial during illness.

An average of seven to nine hours sleeping could not be enough for you to recover quickly. The sleep cycle also allows your body to rest and helps keep your hormones in check. You can use ArkLinen Store’s 200-thread count satin stripe fabric oxford pillowcase to cover your pillows to aid you in sleeping during the daytime. If you prefer linen products, we have linen pillows and a linen bedspread that increases the comfort of your sleep. 


Consume supplements

Certain vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies can help alleviate symptoms or reduce the effects that various causes can cause on your body in the evening. Certain supplements can boost your immune system and could aid in feeling more rested at night if you're sick. A study conducted in 2018 suggests these supplements could aid in treating the common cold along with other treatments for medical reasons like vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and echinacea.

Melatonin supplementation can aid in regulating your sleeping pattern and help balance other hormones that could become imbalanced due to a fever or absence of sleep. The evidence isn't clear on the effectiveness of melatonin however, you should consult your physician about how it may help you in the treatment of insomnia or other sleep problems in conjunction with other treatment options and adjustments.


Get supplies prepared

A comfortable and restful sleeping environment and limiting the frequency at which you must leave your bed can lessen the impact of your symptoms while you try to fall asleep. Make sure you keep a selection of the essential items that you will require close to you such as tissues to rid mucus and drinking water to stay well-hydrated.

Keep your cough drops or medication beside you to help reduce coughing episodes. Treatments and medications for your fever. Humidifier or fan to alter your home's temperature throughout the night and remotes to control electronic gadgets like a TV that you'll need to shut off while on your mattress. 

For a more comfortable sleep, you can try to use ArkLinen Store’s different types of cotton sheets. We have king-size sheets sets or if you prefer patterned bed sheets which are the best fabric to sleep on. We also offer luxury duvet sets and cotton-filled comforter which are the best breathable comforter out there in the market.

If you prefer to have a warm bath before you go to sleep, we also have luxury bath towel sets, luxury bath sheets, luxury hand towels, and a luxury bathrobe which are luxurious but affordable.


What do You do if You Get Sick at Night, But Feel Fine Throughout the Daytime?

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You might notice that your symptoms are only visible at night, but they disappear in the daytime almost completely. This could indicate that your sleeping environment may be the cause of the symptoms. Common indoor allergens, such as dust and other air pollutants can trigger symptoms such as stuffiness, coughing, sneezing, and a runny nose.

The indoor humidity can dry you out and cause mucus drainage more noticeable. Consider using a humidifier, air purifier, or dehumidifier, to help lessen the causes. Your bedroom may become too cool or hot at night, particularly in the case of an air conditioner, fan, or heater. Make sure to modify your HVAC system or your thin blanket and sheets so that your temperature remains constant and you don't need to change or move the position too often.

Certain homes might also be contaminated with chemical or mold-related materials used to build housing that cause you to feel sick. If your bedroom contains any of these triggers in high concentrations compared to your home, it is possible that you will experience more reactions to these triggers when trying to fall asleep. You should consider having your home checked for mold and other triggers from the environment.


When is the Best Time to Call a Doctor?

Ark Facility, Linens, High Quality Linens, Bed Lines, Bathroom Linens, Kitchen Linens, Dining Linens, Duvet Covers, Pillow Case, Sheets, Sheet, Bed Sheet, Bath Mats, Bath Robes, Bath Sheets, Bath Towel, Face Cloth, Hand Towel, Glass Cloth, Kitchen Cloth, Oven Cloth, Wonder dry, Fabric

It's possible to treat your symptoms by using an array of drinking water, rest, and medication as well as some adjustments in your environment. Make sure to see a doctor promptly if you're experiencing trouble breathing or permanent pain that doesn't get better regardless of lifestyle changes or treatments.

You should also consult a doctor if you’re feeling confused or disoriented, have difficulty waking up or remaining awake for long periods of time without a lot of effort, and have uncommon colors in your face or lips like bluish hues caused by a lack of oxygen.



A fever can make you suffer from nighttime fatigue for various reasons, such as fluctuations in hormone levels and immune system activity, and body posture. Making small changes to your routine and surroundings can ease the stress on your body during the night. However, consult a physician after you've made changes but your symptoms aren't improving.

ArkLinen Store hopes that you only catch a mild fever and not a serious medical condition. We at ArkLinen Store provide quality products that are used by hotels, restaurants, and households since 2020. We can offer bathroom robe, washcloths, handtowels, bathroom sheets, and linen napkin which you can use from your bathroom, kitchen, and to your bedroom. 

If you’re curious, you can check our website at arklinenstore.com and see if our products are to your liking.


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